Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Abby the Cheerleader

Ready? O-K!

There's a little girl at the daycare  that teaches Abby all of her cheers. You simply can't imagine my excitement. *sigh*
Well, never let it be said that I don't support my children. Walmart had their pom-poms on sale for $5. Not too shabby.

So, here is Abby in her cheerleading debut! Grammy Pat- you'll have to watch these on your computer, not the ipad.

Cheers with pom-poms.

Cheers without pom-poms: LINK

And a brand new cheer created by Abby!- LINK

Don't worry, I'm sure we can bring the pom-poms to Julia's birthday and Delk Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Pat said...

Abby, I love to hear you do your cheers and dance. Keep moving, girl!

Grammy Pat