Saturday, September 8, 2012


Ike is off to be a big boy this year. This week was his first week of school and the most I've been able to get out of him is that he eats all his lunch and he likes playtime. Ike has been helping me pack his lunch each day. So far he has had toast, cheese sticks, peanut butter sandwiches, and bananas.(not all at once)

I didn't go all out to get a cute picture on the first day. I might recreate the scene later to get a cuter picture, but here is Ike on his first day.

I made sure to put him in a bright color (Thank you, Grammy Pat!) so he could be found easily on the playground.

His teacher is Mrs. Hall and he seems to like her. I like that there are only 19 kids in his class and a full time Para-Pro. (Mrs. Grizzle) We have been to open house and orientation and I think this will be a good year for my little guy.

The only thing I'm having issues with is that he doesn't have a behavior sheet coming home each day. The entire school is on this "Positive Behavior" kick and sending home a behavior sheet might be detrimental to my child's mental health. So, I'll be notified when Ike is "filling someone's bucket" with positive energy and love, but not when he is a pain in the butt.

I don't see parents liking this for very long.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Ha! Like you're not perfectly capable of knowing when Isaac is being a pain!

Well, he's a big boy, and I bet he's already scoped out the power structure of kindergarten!

And so handsome in his colorful orange shirt!

Grammy Pat