Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy Birthday, Pa Joe!

It's just not a party without the Delks! The sad thing is we didn't actually get to stay for the party, but we did get to see everyone and play.
Since I had a half day yesterday and I get Monday off, we Delks decided to take a trip up to M'boro to see our favorite Pa Joe and wish him a happy birthday.

 Abby found an old frog umbrella of Aunt Boo's.

 The boys all found forms of entertainment.

We stayed the night in the 'boro and this morning we split. Abby and I visited Gommy Petty with Grammy Pat, while the boys went with Aunt Boo to see Josh-e-wash and Julia. We all found ourselves at Aunt Jenny's house for lunch and nap time.
The Bradley Girls (Jenny, Me, Joanna) played beauty shop and did our nails and gossiped. Jason hid in the basement and Pa Joe went for a walk. (They were more than welcome upstairs, I don't know why they chose not to socialize.)

After nap time it was let's-see-how-loud-we-can-play time. I hate to brag, but I'm pretty sure my kids won.

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PA JOE! I'm glad we got to celebrate with you! Thank you Grammy and Papa for having us over, and thank you Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jason for letting us come over to play!